For Event Organizers

Please take a look at the materials below before you start working on organizing an event.  The Event Planning Guide will give you general guidelines for planning your event as well as information on submitting a budget and publicity. 


All events with horses require a signed release from each participant.  There are three templates to choose from:  One for driver alone, one for driver with navigator, and one that's a single sheet that anyone attending can sign.  The first two are most appropriate for events such as CDEs or ADTs, while the third is useful for things such as picnic drives, poker runs, etc.


Most events will require a budget (which should be approved by the board before any publicity is released).  The sample budget is pretty inclusive; many of the items are only appropriate for events like CDEs.  Make sure you think about each item in case it's something you need but that didn't occur to you, but delete any items that don't apply to your event.


Please contact the current Event Coordinator or other board members with questions and for help when you need it.  You aren't in this alone!


event planning guide.pdf

Sample budget.pdf                     

     Sample budget.xls

reimbursement request.pdf

Release - individual.pdf                

     Release - individual.doc

Release - driver & navigator.pdf     

      Release - driver & navigator.doc

Release - list of names.pdf               

      Release - list of names.doc